Saturday, February 18, 2012

Winter at Land's End

Today was a beautiful day to drive to Bailey Island and explore Land's End.  I love to visit the beach in the winter.  It's quiet and peaceful without the summertime crowds and the color of the water always seems extra intense in the crisp, cool air.  Land's End offers tide pools for exploring, rocks for climbing, and a nearby candy shop making it a favorite family destination!

I also managed to get a few, fun pictures of the kids even though they were very busy exploring!

On the way home, I made a quick stop by the harbor to get some final shots.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sweet 6-month Old!

The photos below are from an outdoor session with a sweet, 6-month old baby girl.  I processed them in three different finishes (sepia, black & white, and color) for three different looks. Which is your favorite?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Spring Dreaming

Forget winter!  All this bright sunshine and warm weather has me thinking spring!  I love to photograph the natural world and spring flowers make beautiful subjects!

 A close-up of a tulip.  I love the colors of this one!

 Bleeding hearts are so unique. 

A spring blossom on our crab apple tree. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Winter Photo Walk

Today was a beautiful day in Maine! We took advantage of the warmth and sunshine and spent the afternoon outside taking some winter photos.  L was a willing subject and also took some photos of her own!

Her favorite subjects were animal tracks in the snow and nature items like princess pine, interesting branches, and moss. I took some nature photos, too, but my favorite subject was Miss L!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Color vs. Black & White

A side-by-side comparison of the same photo in color and in black and white. I enjoy aspects of both photographs: the one pink sweatshirt surrounded by blue in the color photo (signifying the only girl in the family) and the way the monochrome photo draws my eye right to the faces. This comparison illustrates why you can’t go wrong whether you choose color or black and white!

Black & White Photography

I love to take photos in black and white. There is something so pure about black and white photography. Sometimes I find that colors can be distracting and actually take away from the subject. Using black and white photography lets the image speak for itself in a simple, clean form.

Another black and white photo taken in another beautiful spot! Head Beach in Phippsburg, Maine, has interesting old driftwood and sand dunes that make perfect backdrops for black and white photographs.

4-Year Old Fun!

A silly shot from a typical session with a 4-year old!
Getting better...

My favorite shot!  It took about 40 frames, but we kept it fun and ultimately
 got a beautiful photo and preserved some great memories!

Sports Photos

With three boys involved in a variety of sports, I’ve had lots of opportunities to develop my sports photography! I really enjoy the challenge of capturing kids in action and would be happy to set up a sports session to focus on your child and provide you lasting memories of their athletic achievements

Full of Light

Despite the neighbor’s shed in the background, this is one of my favorite recent photographs! I often have my camera with me outside and I snapped it on a whim one early fall afternoon. I love the light filtering through the leaves and pure joy that radiates from the photo!
I am a mom and a preschool teacher. Photography has long been a passion of mine, but in recent years, I have started to devote more time to developing my skills. My motivation is my desire to capture moments of beauty in our everyday, busy lives. I have taken photographs of my own children and for friends, but I am at the point in my life where I believe I am ready to take my passion to the next level. It is always my desire to capture the true beauty of whatever I am photographing. When photographing children and adults, I hope my photographs will show their unique personalities and genuine feelings. Sometimes this might result in an unconventional photo, but if it captures the moment in time, I have done my job. I photograph in 100% natural light at the location of your choosing. Being in a favorite place makes the photos extra special. If you think my style would be a good fit for you, please contact me for more information or to schedule a session!